Paul Kirkpatrick Paul Kirkpatrick is a Full Stack Developer that enjoys writing clean code and loves seeing webpages come to life. A love of optimization and a desire to always have more to learning is what led him to try software development. Now Paul has experience in several languages and dozens of frameworks and libraries.

When he isn't coding, Paul loves spending time with his wife and three children. He enjoys playing Ultimate Frisbee, playing his bass guitar, and reading Science Fiction and Fantasy.


Stonker App


Stonker allows users to see which stock symbols are generating higher than average Google search results so that they can watch that stock for additional investment opportunities. It also allows users to share information in a comments section for each of the stock hits generated.

Technology Used: React, Node-cron, Passport, Google-trends-api, MySQL, Sequelize,Materialize, Express, Node.js, Heroku

Website Repository
Serial Search App


Serial Search provides users with a simple tool to find information or entertainment related to their favorite serial killers. The website is able to find all available Movies, TV, and Books on any killer of the users choosing.

Technology Used: JQuery, Moment.js, Materialize, Wikipedia API

Website Repository
Three Fold Repetition Employee Directory

Three Fold Repetition

Three Fold Repetiiton Employee Directory allows a user to scroll through every employee of Three Fold Repetition. Instead, the user may search for a specific person, or sort employees by their data. Okay, the gig is up: I made up the company and the employees are all generated from the Random User Generator API.

Technology Used: React, Random User Generator API, Github

Website Repository
See Something Say Something App

See Something, Say Something

See Something Say Something allows concerned members of the community to report on crimes that they've witnessed. This allows others to stay informed with what is happening around them.

Technology Used: Handlebars, MySQL, Sequelize, Chart.js, Google Maps and Google Places API, Node, Express, Heroku

Website Repository
Eat Da Burger App

Eat Da Burger

Are you dieting? Holed up hiding from the po-po? Or just hundreds of miles from the nearest burger joint? This app lets you eat da burger, even if you don't have access to da burger. Enter new burgers to eat, eat them, then (if you're feeling rude and selfish) delete all traces of their noble sacrifice.

Technology Used: Handlebars, MySQL, Node, Express, Heroku

Website Repository
Weather Forecaster for the Discerning Traveler

Weather Forecaster for the Discerning Traveler

Are you more than a simple traveler? Do you wish you could discern the future weather in cities you plan to visit? Perhaps you simply wish to amaze your friends with the ability to predict the weather with moderate accuracy. Whatever the case, this webpage is for you!

Technology Used: Bootstrap, Weather API, Local Storage

Website Repository
